Month: April 2017

Designing Your Quant Course with LGBTQ Diversity

By Timothy Bussey After some discussions about my most recent post for this blog, there was some interest in how I was planning to incorporate LGBTQ diversity into a course, POLS 2072Q: Quantitative Analysis in Political Science. In this post, I’ll discuss three major points to consider when designing your quantitative course, though it should be […]

President’s Series on Teaching Excellence 4/25

4/25 The President’s Series on Teaching Excellence The President’s Series on Teaching Excellence Great Universities have Great Teachers and the University of Connecticut is blessed with more than its fair share.  The President’s series on Teaching Excellence is designed to provide a forum to facilitate discussion and reflection on the journey from good teaching to […]

15 Minutes with a UConn Prof: Andy Ballantine

This is the second interview in our series, 15 minutes with a UConn Prof (see our first with Dr. John Redden), that captures the accumulated wisdom of our instructors. In this interview, Dr. Andy Ballantine discusses the importance of instructor enthusiasm, relevant material, and the still-pertinent but increasingly-passé lecture. What are some ways that you’ve […]